Reminiscing on 2010

>> Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ryan got his diploma in the mail yesterday which means we both graduated. So here’s to a fond farewell to 2010 a month too late. I’m feeling nerdy and so here is the outline of the Ryan and Angie Meeks 2010 and other things that happened this year:

1. January
a. We survived a flood in our apartment
b. I began my last semester for my bachelor’s.
i. I took the psychoanalysis through star trek and film class the 2010 professorship class at the U.
ii. Ryan became the Art Lead on “Beware of Dog” in which the cs was all done with free programming xna software from Microsoft. To be released on Xbox live sometime soon. We’ll keep you posted.
c. We seriously started house hunting with our phenomenal family friends Laurel and Ruth
2. February
a. We closed on our condo February 22, 2010 (seriously Laurel and Ruth were amazing, completely upfront with us about everything, how else would we have closed within a month of putting down our first offer?)
b. We moved from our 3 year home in the U MSH.
3. March
a. I had a class presentation in which I used the Roomba in a mass debate about science, ethics and money in which my bureaucratic self emerged and basically stated that all university research is tied to money somehow.
b. Saw an amazing play at USU with incredible and ingenious set design that one of Ryan’s best friends completed for his Senior project.
c. We became proud puppy owners and so our family extended to our boys, Link and Odin.
4. April
a. Ryan turned 26 and we had a small gathering in our new home.
b. Hopes of grad school were high for Ryan, with the program accepting him into the EAE Master’s Studio 2010 Cohort.
5. May
a. I walked May 7th 2010 in which the commencement speaker was my favorite politician, John Huntsman.
6. June
a. I started the beginnings of post graduate blues.
b. We swam 4-5 days a week enjoying the new access we had to a pool.
c. I learned part of the ickiness associated with public profiles, blogs and other things and became a lot more private about what I said or posted online.
7. July
a. We went on a fun weekend trip down to St. George and celebrated our nephew and Ryan’s dads birthday.
b. Grad school hopes were dashed with the graduate college declining Ryan.
8. August
a. We felt lost, but decided to have Ryan postpone graduating after a Final Cut Pro class.
b. Link and Odin got Fixed.
c. We discovered the amazingness that is Koyo.
d. I made 50 thank you cards for an event and begun my fall craft slump.
9. September
a. At my Grandma H’s 80th birthday the autobiography I ghostwrote for my grandma was given out to all my Aunt’s and Uncle’s and cousin’s.
b. I realized I really do want to become a professional personal historian with an emphasis on bookbinding. Programs existing for this are on the west and east coasts and Texas. Grad school dreams are on hold for me until 2013.
c. I turned 24 and didn’t have school for the first time on my birthday for the first time in years.
d. I read Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare and fell in love with YA coming of age novels all over again.
10. October
a. We threw a pretty spectacular and rocking Halloween party in which over 30 people were in my front room at one time. Yes I had super anxiety over it, but it was fun regardless of people having very limited sitting space and sprawled wherever they could fit. Ryan’s friend Glaucia from Brazil attended her very first Halloween party. (It should also probably be included that we started planning this party in August because we are just that special…)
b. I started project333 in which I lived with a minimalist wardrobe consisting of 33 pieces. This project made me content and made me value owning and living with less.
11. November
a. I helped my mom make 2 mince meat pies for Thanksgiving. I got a little over zealous about decorating pie crusts.
b. My brain finally accepted that though I work towards things, no events in life are a sure thing. It was a bittersweet moment in which I realized that I could very well never go to grad school, but I can always continue my education in other ways.
12. December
a. Ryan graduated!
b. Opposite Christmas Carols made me giggle.
c. We had an amazing Christmas with Ryan’s family. Going down to temple square with everyone on Christmas Eve was so fun. Walking through a deserted Gateway was so pretty. Taking Karden to the “North Pole via Trax was priceless.
d. I was challenged to just get out and start advertising my products and services regardless of having grad school under my belt. Here goes...

2011 will have lots of ups and downs. Looking back last year I remember crying uncontrollably, feeling lost and out of control but I’m really happy with who I am at the end of it all. I’m grateful for the life I have and respect the moments listed above if I don’t completely love them.
January has started off kind of rocky again. My bookbinding class I was always so excited about was canceled. Our cold water pipe in our kitchen froze and we are currently unthawing it. Ryan received his diploma in the mail yesterday and there is just something about having the diploma in hand that makes the finality of graduating ever so real. So along with the not so awesome things are riddled with happy little victories.

We got a Xoom handheld professional level recorder, and I’m getting excited about getting out there and advertising my genealogy and writing services (super scary...). Its beginning to feel like the future is just around the corner when really it’s always staring us in the face.

Sure there is surviving and making things work for right now, but we have to keep our eyes on the horizon for what’s coming next while loving and being content with this moment in time. I know there are so many people who don’t think I will go to grad school or be a personal historian, and maybe they are right. But that won’t stop me from working towards them and putting my heart and soul into it.

I was reading a study that said that Facebook makes people sad and feel less fulfilled, the studies emphasis was on how unreal our online profiles are since people emphasize more on the positive or negative rather than the everyday. I’m not saying I want to know everything about someone’s life, but I thought it might be good to finally share some things. This is really only the tip of the iceberg, but that’s really all I felt was necessary without bogging everyone down with emotional details.

The study also showed that because of the oversaturation of news, we downplayed events or moments in life because we didn’t have something earth shattering to share. Every time I get into a “what’s next?” funk, I remember that my favorite books have conflict, adversity and journeys and that’s what gives the protagonist character and makes me interested in their story. So I want people to know about my struggles and heartache because otherwise it’s a story about sunshine and rainbows withouth a lot of depth. And why would they want me to help them chronicle their own story?

What are things that you are looking forward to in 2011? What are things you are dreading?


Katie Gruber February 4, 2011 at 4:40 PM  

Wow, our years were a lot alike in many ways! House, graduating, grad school anxieties, work, growing up pains, dog (ok, thats cheating my dog was in 2009 and you have 2 dogs). But still, I feel myself agreeing with so much of what you write. Love you!

Brad & Mary February 6, 2011 at 8:00 PM  

Right On Sister- you write things so well

blair and maisy May 19, 2011 at 6:51 PM  

Neat to read about your year. You'll be glad you documented it. I guess that's the historian in you coming out :) The rest of 2011 brings many changes for us~ we'll see how things go!

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