Project 333

>> Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thanks to BeMoreWithLess for the project and if others are interested in trying see the website here with the initial rules and guidelines.This was cited on a blog I love, the Uniform Project, project 333 has an interesting quest which is to wear only 33 items for 3 months. I was going through my closet(s) and thoroughly critiquing everything I own. Its going to be intense. I had 3 big garbage bags filled, ready to donate when my friend posted an interesting request on FB

***HELP NEEDED***Need clothing for family who lost everything in the Herriman Fire. Theyneed size 4 or 5 clothing (twin boys) size 8 for a mommy and size 34 for a daddy. Let me know. Anything is greatly appreciated.

I went through my closet again and paired down what I would store and what I would donate again. I felt a lot more empowered thinking that someone who had lost everything in their home would have the oppurtunity to have my clothes if they fit.

So Ryan, love of my life, super worried, and asking his wife just how much she was getting rid of and would she have donaters remorse in the morning?But I'm still pretty excited. I've already benefited from the 5 pair of shoes. The warmer 80 degree weather for the next 10 days also has me worried. But thats Utah, seasonably unseason like, but oh so beautiful.

My office really dresses casually on Fridays before football games, and if I don't wear red or black eyebrows are raised. But no one will say anything unless I'm wearing blue which is really offensive because of the U of U BYU holy war. I don't much care about sports myself, but when we are having a good season the good vibe spreads throughout campus. Its almost like extra holidays that I just have to work on.

Anyway my list that is still being revised for the next day is:

  1. Black T-Strap Heels
  2. Red Pointy Flats
  3. Tan Flats
  4. Blush Heels with metal Studs
  5. Black Leather Boots
  6. Khaki Long Trenchcoat
  7. Black Trench
  8. Pinstripe pants
  9. Herringbone Grey pants
  10. Tweed Black Pants
  11. Grey Pants
  12. Grey Anoname Jeans *RIP to be replaced soon...
  13. Bandolino Bootcut Dark Wash Jeans
  14. Brown Herringbone Pencil Skirt
  15. Tweed Pencil Skirt
  16. Striped Button up
  17. White Shirt
  18. Grey Sweater
  19. Orange Sweater
  20. Black Pearl Necklace
  21. White long Necklace
  22. Brooch necklace
  23. Red Cardigan
  24. Teal Sweater
  25. Red Sweater
  26. Blue Longsleeve Top
  27. Beige undershirt
  28. Black undershirt
  29. Grey undershirt
  30. Shiny Purple Top
  31. black mock turtle top
  32. Black Sweater
  33. Black leather purse

So if you can't tell I love color, I'm not a strictly Black and White person and their aren't any scarves or gloves in my list. I think it has already been interesting and I hope that I can successfully finish.


Carrie October 3, 2010 at 11:00 AM  

I'm doing the challenge too, I love your list.

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