Star Trek Awesomeness
>> Monday, May 11, 2009
Anyway with the new Star Trek movie and Ryan and I both being avid fans, it was a must to go see it as soon as humanly possible.

We saw it opening weekend late enough to be surrounded by trekkies which meant that there were random moments where everyone clapped. My good friend went and saw it with us and said he would be severely disappointed if anyone clapped when the movie ended. He was severely disappointed, but how could we be sure that there were other trekkies there if they didn’t clap? See the dilemma?

We saw it opening weekend late enough to be surrounded by trekkies which meant that there were random moments where everyone clapped. My good friend went and saw it with us and said he would be severely disappointed if anyone clapped when the movie ended. He was severely disappointed, but how could we be sure that there were other trekkies there if they didn’t clap? See the dilemma?

J.J. Abrams did a phenomenal job although there were parts where I cringed because the writing sounded so gimmicky… but overall pretty amazing stuff and anyone even mildly interested in seeing it should definitely see it.
We saw it last week- it was good! Hope you guys are doing well.
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