Post Hiatus Summary
>> Monday, May 11, 2009
Someone, ok really a few people have asked why I’ve been mia on the blog world. Well thankfully the semester is over, for me anyway. Ryan is still working on a project for a good long while. Its weird to go to work and just work without having to wonder if I’ve read all the homework for that night, or if my assignment will turn out fine…
So now that my hiatus has been explained time for an update. Ryan’s party went perfectly fine and was pretty fantastic. The lighting situation made it impossible to take pictures so I have none to share. Just know that it was awesome and if you came that’s awesome and if you couldn’t just know that you missed out.
A weekend or so later we went to Moab and did some jeeping. Moab was gorgeous, and my childhood fear of ‘heights’ is still very much alive and unconquered. But here’s the thing, I’m not afraid when I am high up and I feel safe, no I’m only scared when I feel like I can fall… So what would that be called?

See? Totally not scared of 'heights'...

On top of the Devil's Arch
But very much so afraid of anything that required climbing up to.
But very much so afraid of anything that required climbing up to.

Ryan's meditating and I'm imitating him.

Estrogen to Testosterone Level in the car 2:2..definitely not enough estrogen to offset the testosterone.

And what trip would be complete without a guitar or two?
Perhaps its because I have NO upper body strength and never have! Anyway, I’ve talked to my little bro Joshy and he’s going to try and see if he can help me feel safe climbing. We’ll see if its successful or not. I’d really like to overcome whatever this fear is so I can go do some crazy hikes and other recreational things.
I’ll keep you posted as to its successfulness….
Speaking of Joshy, he’s due to get his call in the next few weeks.! That’s crazy and makes me feel awfully old. Little kidlet was only 16 when I got married and now he’s nearly 19…man time flys!
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