Round 2, O What a frugal and deal buyer am I, is it not monstrous that this coupon here, But in an e-mail, in an automatic world...

>> Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Round 2 of awesome tickets that reward insane spending. 30% off coupon

30% off my entire purchase, 30% off the entire thing, I could buy paper and some cuttlebug folders and....

I don't need any more things at this point, I just have to keep telling myself that I should just use what I have and be satisfied. I think the last time I got the cricut out was before Thanksgiving...

Point being I don't have the space to adequately justify what I already have, so what would be the sense in getting more?

Blast coupons that get sent into my inbox, mayhaps its time to send them straight to the junk folder.

But upon looking at the coupon it says "must surrender after use" I see multiple crazy images of people not letting the cashier have


Erica December 17, 2008 at 6:50 PM of them being me... ;o)

A December 18, 2008 at 7:10 AM  

ah yes, but you have a craft room, I DREAM of that day, and you are amazingly crafty, and you use your stuff in inovative and awesome ways that inspire us less inovative people. Totally justifies the consumption methinks.

Since finals are over I piled Christmas card making stuff on the bed, tonight should be fun, so if you have any super easy cutsy suggestions I'm open to ideas.

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