In Other News

>> Friday, October 17, 2008

I have had a very eventful week, I saw the awesome "living in under 376 feet" display at IKEA and it was super chic and functional. Thats less square footage than I am in!

Of course it was just the basic "necessities" but it was awesome, and its making me realize, you really don't need a lot of space. But what would I give to have a yard and my own 4 walls? I'd do a lot but I refuse to own a house where the house dominates over the yard. It seems to be redundant and wasteful.

Then I glance over at my largesse of scrapbooking supplies, and think of how old I am and how I need to reign in my own consuming, but I'll get there someday.

Last night I saw "Madame Butterfly" it was beautiful! The music the scenery it was all enriching. It lit me up like I yearn for.

For our anniversary we went to Braza Grill, which was amazing. It wasn't just food, it was an experience, and Ryan said it compared better to the Rodizio's down in Brasil than any other place he's been to up here.


Erica October 18, 2008 at 3:41 PM  

I'm a big fan of IKEA too! Love it! I'm always looking for space-saving solutions. And really, is there such a thing as too many scrapbooking supplies? ;o)

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